Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Non-renewable energy

Yesterday afternoon Travis, a Geologist from the University of Canterbury came to talk to the children of Room 3.

He did a simple experiment using water. We filled a bottle of water. We took 2 cups out. After we had taken them out, we put 1 cup back into the bottle. We continued to do this. Eventually the water ran out. This demonstrated that humans are using coal at too fast a rate for it to regenerate (form) and could eventually run out.

We talked about how coal is formed. 

Coal is formed by wood being compressed and fossilised in the ground over millions of years. (Jack)

This is largely why coal is not renewable; it takes millions of years to form. 

We talked about how coal is used for heat. 

Some country's electricity plants burn coal which heats up water. The steam from the hot water, spins a turbine which powers an electricity generator. (Philip)

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